The commotion in the hallway startled Tony awake. He could hear two distinct voices, one male and one female. It was an argument of some sort. It was starting to escalate. By the sound of the man's voice, Tony could tell that he was about to hit the other party. Jumping up and putting on his pants, he was able to do it in such a manner that he didn't even wake Evelyn. Barefoot and shirtless, Tony ventured into the hallway, gently closing the apartment door behind him. As he walked down the hall, he smelled Evenlyn's sex radiating from just below his nose. His moustache felt like it was a glazed as a doughnut.
As he rounded the corner, the shadow of a figure with his hand around the other figure's throat yelling at her. The man's right hand was balled into a waiting fist. Tony approached them cautiously.
"Excuse me," Tony started, " I couldn't help but to overhear you two having a dispute."
"Get the fuck out of here man. Don't be an asshole. This doesn't concern you. Take your fucking cane having ass back to your apartment."
'So,' Tony thought, 'he must have seen me before and already engraved a preconceived notion in his head. This will be quite easy.'
"Could you please take your hand off the young lady's throat. I think she is having a hard time breathing. You seem to be squeezing a little tight"
Tony couldn't see the details, but by the cadence of the woman's breathing he figured she was scared as hell. The gentleman reeked of cheap vodka and being on shower strike the past few days.
Wait for it. Wait for it. And swoosh, the man threw a right cross across Tony's face. Thinking he never saw it coming, the attacker was surprised when Tony leaned back just enough for the man's knuckles to lightly graze his sunglasses. As he was turning around completing his awkward punch, Tony stepped into the man's space and quickly jabbed a strike to his adam's apple just enough to stun him to his knees.
Then something happened that would surprise anyone but Tony. The woman dropped to her knees and hugged her aggressor and begged Tony, "Please don't hit him again."
As they both were on the floor, her sobbing and him gasping for air, Tony knew his job was done. The attacker was redirected and all was temporarily fine. Until the next time. Her ass probably would be eventually grass when someone wasn't there to intervene. Luck was on her side today.
Tony walked down the musty hall back to the apartment where found Evelyn was still sleep He just provided a temp solution to a permanent problem. She was snoring slightly. He gently spooned in behind her and pulled the blanket up to their necks. Back off to sleep.